Saturday, July 11, 2015

Insitu offers 3D modeling capability from imagery captured by airborne surveillance systems

IRVINE, Calif. June 19, 2015 - 2d3 Sensing, an agile commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technology provider specializing in the improvement, processing, exploitation, and dissemination of motion imagery and metadata, introduces a 3D modeling capability as part of the latest release of its enterprise full motion video (FMV) PED software suite that extracts information from imagery captured by airborne surveillance systems.
2d3 Sensing’s suite of motion imagery software provides the capabilities operators and analysts need to effectively process and manage FMV for tactical ISR operations – from enhancing and improving image quality, to extracting and sharing GEOINT data. This latest capability leverages the company’s long history in the field of computer vision to accomplish 3D scene reconstruction based on a video sequence or a set of still images. The modeling tool can generate a 3D reconstruction from uncalibrated sensors within minutes, a differentiator in this competitive field. Users can then leverage these models to facilitate tactical planning by providing better target understanding and situational awareness.
“Some tactical operations require a thorough understanding of the scene beyond information gleaned from 2D aerial imagery,” commented Jon Damush, VP and GM of Missions Systems Programs at Insitu Inc. and former CEO of 2d3 Sensing. “With this 3D capability, users can now perform operational planning tasks that were difficult to accomplish without 3D data, such as planning maneuvers on mountainous terrain or analyzing line-of-sight to a target, and have a more holistic perspective of the operation prior to launch.”

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