Friday, July 31, 2015

Check out this Progressive Forward Thinking Drone Company: Matternet

I have looked at a lot of Drone UAV UAS websites in the past few months, some stand out like this company from Menlo Park, CA, USA. The site design is very intriguing to say the least. Their multirotor is intended as a Delivery Vehicle, not advertised as a "do it all" as so many say about their product. They have a vision for the future, and it is to help people in need, specifically 3rd world countries lacking infrastructure. Below is a capture from their video, showing a ground station, where the drone will refuel and continue on it's mission.

Re-Fueling Station: Matternet (click for site access)
Company Vision: TED Talk with Andreas Raptopoulos

 Go on the site and look around, I look forward to see how they progress. 

1 comment:

Rick Schoonover said...

Awesome site. This is the NEXT BIG THING!